redefining the classics with "power to the princess"
in her new book "power to the princess," author vita murrow makes us rethink everything we thought we knew about classic fairytales.
she challenges the notion of always "living happily ever after" and wanting to find "prince charming." instead, our favorite princesses now embody independence, resilience, ambition and total girl power.
during a time when, more than ever, women and girls everywhere are being encouraged to speak their minds and stand up for themselves, this book promotes an extremely positive message about the power of the female. no more do we see the princess waiting for a man to come rescue her. instead, she is off following her dreams, conquering the world, and helping to better the lives of others. not to mention, these are real girls. they come in all ethnicities, shapes, and sizes - and they are all beautiful.
in "power to the princess," cinderella is a prime minister and businesswoman, rapunzel an architect, and sleeping beauty an accomplished doctor who specializes in sleeping disorders. snow white advocates for true beauty, little red riding hood for the environment, and the little mermaid for world peace.
be sure to join us in our south end store on saturday, october 27th from 2:00-4:00 pm, where author vita murrow will be reading stories and signing copies of her amazing anthology! you can also purchase a copy of the book from our website, available for a limited time only. don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to get your littles inspired to live up to their full potential!

vita murrow
vita murrow is a writer, artist, and mom. born in central india, she grew up in minneapolis, mn. growing up, her modern family constellation made her acutely aware of the need for diverse and inclusive media for kids. her background as an educator cemented the idea that all children have the right to see their lives mirrored and to feel connected to the media they enjoy. this belief has fueled her career as a champion of children and children's literature, and as a storyteller in a variety of mediums. vita previously directed a literacy centered school partnership program in boston, served as an elementary educator in seattle and new york city and has been an american sign language interpreter. she earned an m.s ed in education and teaching literacy from the bank street college of education in new york city, as well as a bfa in photography and video from cornish college of the arts in sattle, wa. as an artist, vita is the co-creator, together with her husband artist ethan murrow, of the short film "dust," an official selection in the 46th annual new york film festival. their children's book debut, the whale, was nominated for a cilip greenway medal. they have two children and live in boston.