tinycottons spring summer 2020 lookbook: dolce far niente
tinycottons ss20: dolce far niente
a spring summer lookbook curated by kodomo boston
our new arrivals for the spring summer '20 season have us so excited thinking about warmer weather and sunnier days. the light colors and fun prints are giving us hope that spring & summer are not too far away!
tinycottons' ss20 collection is titled "dolce far niente," or pleasant idleness.
this line inspires us to take a step back from the craziness and busyness life throws our way and reminds us to enjoy the simpler moments. tinycottons spring summer 2020 collection, asks us to explore the concept of life balance.
we have so many beautiful floral prints, as well as so many fruit, hearts, and insanely stylish check patterns - just to name a few!
the colors from this collection work so nicely together, especially for the season.
there are tons of easy to wear girls dresses, jumpsuits, and more.
plus, super awesome tees & cool patterns with matching bottoms for the littles.
not only are we loving the clothing, but we have some amazing accessories too! check out the bucket hats & other pieces for fun dressing.

be sure to check out the newest tinycottons pieces in stores and online at kodomo boston!
our fingers crossed for warmer days soon!