bobo choses spring summer 2019 - to make a garden
we have been waiting so patiently.... bobo choses' new spring summer collection officially launches 1.17.19!! bobo choses nails it again with their cozy + stylish clothing for babies and kids. as always, the collection is sustainably produced in spain using mostly organic cotton. it also tells a story to hopefully inspire young minds and grown ups alike. this time, bobo choses' inspiration comes from the countryside and how to 'make a garden'... and the story goes like this....:
what would we do if bees were to disappear? these little insects provide the food we all eat one way or another. but honey bees are disappearing globally at an alarming rate. looking after the bees means looking after ourselves. and the best way to do this is by planting a garden. it doesn't matter how small it is. the bees will make sure it grows.
we are excited to present our new spring summer 2019 collection, 'to make a garden', a call for saving the bees by planting gardens everywhere, every time. make the bees happy. never stop planting. have fun!
by bobo choses

check out bobo choses' 'to make a garden' at one of kodomo's 3 boston locations or online. you won't BEE disappointed :)